Youth Program
Youth Director Contact: Audrey Trawick
CHS. trawick@gmail.com
Highlighting the Scottish interests of our youth & encouraging connections worldwide.
Projects & activities will be posted in the An Canach. Youth participants who would like to share their Scottish interests & talents will have the opportunity to be Spotlighted, here on the Clan Henderson Website!
Guidelines & instructions for upcoming activities will be announced throughout the year in the Clan Henderson newsletter. Participating in youth activities are a GREAT way to begin building a resume & furthering youth interest, which places an emphasis on their growth, talents, & personal accomplishments within our Scottish community.
Youth Scholarship Goals​
The Clan Henderson Society wants to encourage its youth to value and preserve Scottish heritage by learning the traditional Celtic Arts, engaging in HighlandSports, and studying Celtic Culture.
The Society desires that its scholarship applicants demonstrate dedication, competence, and excellence in their fields as well as have the desire to share what they have learned with others.
Recognizing there are costs involved in lessons, acquiring instruments and equipment, costumes/uniforms as well as competition fees and travel expenses, CHS wants to assist our member applicants and their families with these costs in the form of an annual scholarship program.
CHS Youth Scholarship Program Information
Applications may be mailed or emailed. They can be handwritten. Parents may help younger children apply.
Applicants must be under the age of 26 on December 31 of the year they apply.
There is no minimum age, but the applicant must show evidence of dedication, talent, and progress appropriate to their age to win.
Applications may be submitted anytime between January 1 and April 1. Checks will be mailed to the awardees by June 10th.
Awards must be used in the calendar year of the award. Documentation that the award is used as intended must be supplied by September 1.
The amount of each scholarship is determined annually by the Youth Scholarship Committee based on the Clan Henderson Budget allotment.
Categories of Youth Scholarships
ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPS are reserved for students in college, graduate school or other advanced studies who are majoring in Celtic Arts or Celtic studies. The applicant’s GPA must be at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent. High School students applying for college must have a B average or better.
CELTIC ARTS SCHOLARSHIPS are awarded to students who are studying Scottish traditional arts like bagpiping, drumming, highland dance, fiddling, Celtic harp, etc.
HIGHLAND SPORTS SCHOLARSHIPS are intended for older youth who are learning to participate in athletic events featured in the Highland Games like Caber Toss, Hammer Throw, Shot Put, Sheaf Toss, etc.
ATTENTION: This year CHS Youth Scholarships are open to all youth, with no membership required. You, your parent, or your grandparent must not serve on the Clan Henderson Youth Scholarship Committee or on the Society’s Executive Committee. The NEW deadline is April 1st, 2025.
To submit your application
Send one copy to Suzanne Emerson, CHS VP Member, clanhendersonmembership@yahoo.com
Send another copy to your Regional Commissioner. To find out who that is click this link.
Questions about the scholarship program should be addressed to CHS.trawick@gmail.com