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New Records on ScotlandsPeople

ScotlandsPeople have recently added records from the Highland and Island Emigration Society of people from the highlands and islands to Australia. These are available to view on the ScotlandsPeople website and they are free! Please follow the link for more information:

Aussie Page

The Proud Hendersons of Australia and New Zealand

Home to our Chief: Alistair Henderson


Celtic festivals in Australia 



  • Brisbane's National Tartan Day event was held on July 20 at the King George Square in the centre of the city.








  • This is a free event organised by the Scottish Australia Heritage Council and hosted by the City of Brisbane -


  • Jeff Henderson drove up from Melbourne and had several vehicle issues over the 1800 km journey, but made it just in time to set up the tent with the assistance of Tom, Georgia and daughter Shannon Henderson.

  • Georgia and Shannon baked some superb fudge, shortbread and oatmeal cookies to share with the crowd which were extremely popular and didn't last long.





















  • Our Chief Alistair was the 'Chieftain of the Day' and welcomed all, and declared the event officially open. This was followed by the massed pipes and drums marching through the crowd to the stage.











  • Apart from the baked items, our basket-hilt sword and sept banner were great attractions. The kids were thrilled to have their photo taken holding the sword.

  • We had quite a few Hendersons visit and several were keen to join the society.

  • A couple of Hendersons who had recently emigrated from Scotland found our tent by chance as they were not aware of the Tartan Day event. They were thrilled that Scottish heritage is celebrated so well down under.

  • Also we had a visit from Linda Henderson on holiday from California, who is already a CHS member and spent time chatting to the Chief.

  • A prospective member, Heather Henderson, showed a photo of her father Mervyn's 90th birthday cake featuring the clan crest, a very impressive cake baked locally in Toowoomba.

  • Clan Henderson coloring books and crayons were handed out to the kids and we ran out as the day drew to a close.

  • Handouts and printed versions of An Cannach were provided to many people and several indicated that they intend to join up.

  • In summary, a great day, beautiful weather and our thanks have been forwarded to the organiser's - the Scottish Australian Heritage Council Inc.




























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