Awards Aug 2023
Proposed Induction into the Order of the Chief:
Proposed Induction into the Order of the Chief:
Karen Bunning, #1863 is recognized for a masterful and well-researched genealogical academic effort in pursuit of family origins. Her detailed and focused efforts, primarily rooted in Pennsylvania and Ohio, are a personal credit but will be of value to subsequent researchers for years to come.
Michelle Brown, #4840, is recognized for unwavering dedication to Scottish Highland Dancing, as exemplified though constant commitment, dedication and unselfish support of her daughter’s artistic endeavors. This was best demonstrated by her road trip to GMHG from NY in 2023.
Brinn Brown, #4840 is recognized for her zeal and enthusiasm as a Scottish Highland Dancer. This was underscored by her private dance demonstrations at the GMHG in 2023. Her focused attitude and pleasant personality are a tribute to our Clan.
The following members have been inducted into the Order of the Chief but are recommended for the “With Distinction” medal upgrade.
Laura German, #4304 is recognized for outstanding service as Clan Quartermaster, ongoing service to Clan Henderson and Scottish culture and contributions as a valuable member of the Highlanders Pipes and Drums of Oklahoma City. Inducted into the Order of the Chief in 2020.
Dale German, #4304 is recognized for outstanding service to Clan Henderson as an innovator of ideas for our Clan area, contributions to Scottish culture and service to the Far South region as a Bodyguard. Inducted into the Order of the Chief in 2020.
Marie Clonts, #2902 is recognized for energetic and proactive commitment to the 2023 Annual General Meeting. Her unselfish actions and attention to detail in arranging events and generating enthusiasm is unparalleled. Inducted into the Order of the Chief in 2013.
Louis Russell, #4511 is recognized for his ongoing contributions and unwavering enthusiasm as President of the Clan Henderson Society. His calm and focused approach, coupled with a dynamic strategic vision ensure that Clan Henderson continues to field a vibrant Society. Inducted into the Order of the Chief in 2020.