Claude A. Henderson Memorial Awards 2023

Two members of our Society have been deemed Claude A. Henderson Memorial award Fellows. Specifically, Louis Russell of Scottsdale, AZ is recognized for multi-year fundraising efforts that resulted in over $1000 being donated to the Society and Christian Garin of Gainesville, VA has been recognized for financial contributions in excess of $1000 USD in support of the Youth Scholarship Program and multi-year fundraising efforts that resulted in over $4,000 being donated to the Society.
Claude A. Henderson was a founding member of the Clan Henderson Society and a strong, guiding visionary through the Society's formative years. As Society President, Claude set tone and direction for the Society to become what it is today. Members who continue to contribute advancing the Society's goals thru financial means, are honored in his memory by being named a Claude A. Henderson Fellow (CAHF). The fellowship is a recognition award for those individuals who have donated, or directly caused to be donated, the sum of $1,000 or more, for the purpose of sustaining the goals and values of the Society. The contributor is recognized as a Claude A. Henderson Fellow.
Claude A. Henderson Memorial Award
Fellow Of The Society
Claude A. Henderson was a founding member of the Clan Henderson Society and a strong, guiding visionary through the Society's formative years. As Society President, Claude set the tone and direction for the Society to become what it is today. Members who continue to contribute to advancing Society's goals thru financial means are honored in his memory by being named a Claude A. Henderson Fellow (CAHF). The fellowship is a recognition award for those individuals who have donated or directly caused to be donated, the sum of $1,000 or more, for the purpose of sustaining the goals and values of the Society. The contributor is recognized as a Claude A. Henderson Fellow.
GARIN Christian: For financial contributions in excess of $1000 USD in support of the Youth Scholarship Program and multi-year fundraising efforts that resulted in over $4,000 being donated to the Society.
RUSSELL Louis: For multi-year fundraising efforts that resulted in over $1000 being donated to the Society.
HENDERSON George: For financial contributions in excess of $1,000 USD in support of the Youth Scholarship Program
HENDERSON J. Steven: For financial contributions in excess of $7,000 USD in support of CHS programs including scholarships, genealogical research, member support, and other donations.
HENDERSON Mark: For financial contributions, over several years, in excess of $1000 USD in support of the Youth Scholarship Program and multi-year fundraising efforts that resulted in over $11,000 being donated to the Society.
HENDERSON Mary Lane: For financial contributions of at least $1,000 in support of the CHS Youth
HENDERSON William: For financial contributions in excess of $5,000 USD in support of the Youth Scholarship Program
SEMMONS Noela Henderson: For financial contributions in excess of $5,000 AUD in support of Scottish Arts, especially dance, in Australia
Henderson Russell: For financial contributions, over a number of years, totaling in excess of $1,000 in support of multiple programs
MADDOX Rex: For financial contributions, over a number of years, totaling in excess of $1,000 in support of multiple programs