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A Convenor has a specific function for the clan. The Convenor gathers the clan at a specific event. To accomplish this task, the Convenor must:

  1. Plan:  Plan ahead, as much as a year. By being this proactive, you can learn about the event first—obtain a copy of the program as a basis for planning your gathering. You then will also be able to make family reunion plans with local kin in sufficient time for them to bring their families to your gathering. It is quite possible that you will be establishing a tradition. Great!

  2. Get Approval:  Obtain from the State Convenor or Regional Commissioner Clan Henderson approval for participating in the event. Determine what support you will be getting from them.

  3. Contact:  Contact the event committee for details of the event and determine if the clan is welcome to participate.

  4. Determine Funds:  Determine funding requirements and potential sources.

  5. An Canach:  Notify the Editor of the An Canach that you will be convening the event. Provide your telephone number and any significant information. Please note that An Canach is put together during the second month of the quarter but is not delivered until the second month of the next quarter. (Example: The McHenry Games take place on the first Saturday of June. To notify the clan that you will be convening those games, it would have to be in the spring edition that is typed in February. To advertise your gathering at the Southern Maryland Games in April, you would have had to notify the Editor in November for the winter edition.)
    Tell our story through pictures; then keep copies and display the clan having fun in scrapbooks you can place in your display.

  6. Coordinate:  Arrange for local kin to help you with manning the tent and hosting the clan activities. Share the cost of fees and snacks with kin who will be attending—do: contact them to get their assistance; don’t: scare them by hitting them for money right off.  The State Convenor will insure that all required reports are submitted to the Regional Commissioner. In the case of the Annual Report and the budget, the State Convenor will correlate information on the various activities and forward this integrated report. To this end, it is important for the State Convenor to be aware of various opportunities for clan activities within the state, at national and international gatherings, and the annual meeting.

  7. Participate:  Participate in the event. Setting up the tent and then taking it down in accordance with the hours published by the organizing committee. Presenting the clan properly and participating in all activities (e.g. ceremonies, kirkin’ and parades) where our tartan will be shown. Encouraging kinsmen to participate in the various competitive events. Including kinsmen, especially potential members, to join in for parades and walkabouts.

  8. Improve:  Develop and improve the clan display. While basic items are received from the region, displays should be personal and improved by the Convenor from year to year. They will be judged at many events and the Convenor is the best judge of how to improve his display.

  9. Report:  Maintain a register and produce an activity report. Ensure that copies are submitted to the State Convenor/Regional Commissioner. Keep a copy for follow-up and for next year ’s planning.

Where possible, the Convenor might become involved with the organizing committee of the event and include kinsmen in the planning process. Active members will raise the interest level of the clan as a whole.


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