"The mark of a Scot is that he remembers and cherishes the memories of his forebears, good or bad; and there burns alive in him a sense of identity with the dead even to the twentieth generation." --Robert Louis Stevenson
The Clan Henderson Society is committed to helping its members in their genealogical research, identifying both the individual families and connections between them, tracing their migrations from the homeland and connecting them to families who did not emigrate, finding DNA matches.
If you have questions or are at an impasse, Clan Henderson has a team of experienced people who may be able to assist you with genealogical research. If you need help on your tree or DNA testing, please contact Dr. LaRhee Henderson below. (Be sure to include your member number; it is required for our response)
For the Henderson DNA project click below:
email a contact below
Genealogy Resources
Building A Family Tree
Advantages and disadvantages. (Read comparison article and blog)
Cost: Ancestry is most expensive varying with level of research scope. Family Search is free.
Records Base: Ancestry provides the most extensive information base, especially US records
Tree Supervision: Trees in Ancestry and My Heritage are separated and supervised only by their owners. They can be public or private. Family Search is totally public and community-base.
Connecting to Others' Trees: Easy copying of one tree onto another can lead to copying of errors. Geni connects trees, building a 'one world tree' and involves peer review, hopefully resolving discrepancies between trees with its consistency checker.
Other Research Resources:
Scotland's people – This is a UK government site that has searchable databases of the majority of existing records for marriages, births, deaths, burials, wills and military records. Some parish records are available from as early as 1538. Census records and valuation rolls are available from the mid 19th century.
Find My Past: Especially helpful searching British and Irish ancestry
Local Genealogy Libraries
Genealogy Societies
CHS genealogy volunteers use all of these. We build and search on all the platforms with careful checking of sources and cautious use of other's trees. We transfer trees into Geni to connect with others' trees to find common ancestors and shared DNA, but we review it periodically to assure that others' trees have not erroneously connected to our trees through an unproven ancestor.​​
Analyzing Your DNA
Types of DNA tests (these all have periodic sales so watch for their announcements)
Male line DNA: Y-DNA; this follows your inherited DNA from your father, his father, etc. It is valuable for genealogy and can identify the family group of your male line. Check with David, for your specific situation, but we generally recommend that you start with at least the Y-37 test.
See a Comparison Chart of test companies- SNPS and STRS
Female line DNA: Mitochondrial DNA; this follows your inherited DNA from your mother, her mother, etc. It is useful only for studying ancient migration of maternal ancestors.
See a Comparison Chart of test companies
All ancestors' DNA: Autosomal DNA: this follows your mix of DNA inherited from your parents (2), both their parents (4), their parents, etc. This is the most common testing offered. It provides information on your countries of origin and connects you to genetic 'cousins' from all sides of your family.
See a Comparison chart of test companies
DNA Testing Companies
Family Tree DNA: Location of the Henderson Surname Project. Can test any of the above types of DNA. Maps Geographic origins;
Note: Join the Henderson Surname Project here.
(Summary Description of FT DNA)
Ancestry: Autosomal DNA tests; provides DNA links to cousins with their trees in Ancestry; Maps Geographic origins; Summary Description
My Heritage: Autosomal DNA; linked to Geni where connections between trees helps build 'One World Tree'
23 and Me: Autosomal DNA with health implications, Maps Geographic origins; Summary description
Living DNA: Autosomal DNA with detailed database to trace ancestors to more precise geographic locations; Summary Description​
DNA Description Resources
ISOGG: International Society of Genetic Genealogists
A personal example: My family DNA has been tested at Ancestry, FT DNA (Y-67, Family Finder, and Mitochondrial), and Living DNA. I found multiple cousins from across my tree at Ancestry and located my ancestors' origins in UK, Scotland and central Europe. Living DNA indicated that my female ancestors came out of Europe to Scandinavia then Eastern Scotland and male ancestors were located in eastern Scotland. FT Family Finder and mitochondrial DNA agreed with these, but the Y-DNA demonstrated that my male ancestors came up from NW Europe through England and then Aberdeenshire in Scotland. These DNA tests confirmed, redirected and extended my family tree.
The bottom line is this - choose the test based on what you want to know.​
Where did Henderson Ancestors Live?
Henderson is the modern version of an ancient Scottish patronymic. In other words, it’s a name derived when children of the first generation are known as their father ’s sons that is, Henry’s sons. In the next step, it became a single name (Henrison) and then a permanent surname.
On the basis of Henderson family lore, we are aware of several fathers named Henry who passed on their name in this fashion. These include Glencoe, Caithness, Shetland Islands, Liddesdale, and Fordell. Some day we may find more about these locations based on DNA matching, but, for now, we have to be content to study the various roots and branches of the Henderson family tree. See these on the map below and read read more about these branches here